Thursday, 13 January 2011


Days since activation of implant: 14
New sounds: Too much new noise

It's been a day of the doldrums today, I think it must be contagious as we all seem to have it at work.

The day started off with a few pointed questions from a fairly 'distant' colleague, who then informed me my voice is changing - though a another Dear Colleague in the background was shaking her head!!!! 
Perhaps I was using my posh voice :)

I was also asked if the magnet was a permanent fixture, or was it detachable, which is kinda funny I suppose. Well actually they do make bone anchored implants, where they make a sort of permanent plug in your head that you then attach a small box too - eeewwww imagine having a 'port' on your head - that is really a step too weird even for me.

I am now well accustomed to actually wearing Ludwig the processor, it is much more comfortable than a hearing aid - the massive plus side is not having my ear bunged up with plastic all the time.

As the doldrums day continued all the new noise started to get a bit too much, my brain is still at the stage where it is trying to take on board everything it hears, its 'not relevant filter' hasn't kicked in yet. 

My Dear Colleague sitting next to me even informed me that I was being too loud, bashing away at my keyboard (I am now aware that I type rather LOUDLY... - whoops, sorry Dear Colleagues)

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