It's the night before the big switchover, but instead of
enjoying the sounds that I have become so used to (and I love) I have turned
them off and I'm sitting here in enforced silence.
I'm not sure what says about me! Perhaps I am a sucker
for 'punishment' or I want to start the letting go process... (In case
something goes wrong)
So letting go of what I have become so used to over the
last 5 years.
Over the last few days or so I have made sure that I have
spoken 1-1, where possible, to people that mean the most to me, so that I can
listen to their voices without distraction. I wanted to remember what those
people's voices sound like NOW, as they are incredibly precious sounds to me, I
truly adore them, more than those people will ever know.
Of course those people won't have been aware what I have
been doing, I haven't sat them down and said, 'just talk to me, I don't want to
forget what you sound like, in case you never sound the way you do now.' I have
just babbled on in my usual random manner, and listened perhaps a little more
intensely than usual.
How I have grown to love those voices - some who I have known forever, some who are a lot newer to me, but all are equally loved.
I look forward to hearing them again after tomorrow, how I will drink them in - people can recite the alphabet or shipping forecast, but it will be the most perfect thing ever as long I can hear the familiarity of their voices.
I look forward to hearing them again after tomorrow, how I will drink them in - people can recite the alphabet or shipping forecast, but it will be the most perfect thing ever as long I can hear the familiarity of their voices.
Your words tugged at my heart, Emma. Powerful words (your written words and their spoken ones). Take care, Dee.