Wednesday 12 January 2011

Sideways glances

Days since activation of implant: 13
New sounds: The door into my workplace really creaks - how can I have possibly have missed that?

A slightly better nights sleep last night, I did manage to SLEEP until 3am, then woke up - so a bit of a back to front night.

Carla my implantee buddy experienced the same after her implant, so hopefully I will grow out of it too - it seems my head has turned into a new born baby!

So sideways glances - I happened to notice some sideways glances from people today, obviously trying to work out what it is I have stuck to my head. It seems that people are splitting into two groups - those who seem really interested about the implant, wanting to know how it works etc; and those who freak out at the sight of the implant (my TWIN brother was one of those, when he first looked at the implant he grimaced, like he was looking at a rancid, gaping wound).

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